SHOT/CHASER: Sam Brown Said Former Senator Harry Reid’s Opposition to Yucca Mountain Was a “Lack of Understanding,” Now Brown Claims HE Didn’t Understand the Issue


Sam Brown was caught on tape strongly supporting storing all of the nation’s nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain in southern Nevada. 

Brown even went as far as to attack former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a champion for keeping nuclear waste out of Nevada, by saying: 

“One of the things I’m afraid of is that, out of a lack of understanding and the fear mongering that Harry Reid and others have spread, is that we just missed an incredible opportunity for revenue for our state.”


This week, Brown told supporters HE was the one who “did not know a ton about the history” of Yucca Mountain – an issue that has dominated Nevada politics for decades – despite running for U.S. Senate in Nevada twice now and talking about the issue at length in 2022:

“So, two years ago, I was asked in a candidate forum about Yucca. It’s never been a priority of mine, but I was just asked about it and, not knowing a ton about the history of where it’s at, I just said, you know, I think we should always have an open mind to consider if something could be beneficial to the state.”



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