SHOT/CHASER(S): Lombardo at Odds With His Own Shady Record

Joe Lombardo’s hypocrisy reached new heights this weekend with a new, laughable plea for transparency among legislators – another example of his ‘rules for thee but not for me’ guiding principle. With a past mired by ethical concerns and his repeated attempts to avoid transparency and accountability, the truth is that the only person operating in the shadows is him.

SHOT: Lombardo claims that the government “should hold itself to the same standards it expects from everyone else” and that it shouldn’t “be allowed to operate under the cover of darkness.”

CHASER(S): Lombardo has done whatever it takes to evade the consequences of the law and has been using the power of his office to bend the rules for himself:

  • Lombardo was censured and fined by the Ethics Commission for violating ethics law during his gubernatorial campaign. He’s now suing the Ethics Commission himself after his cronies – who he appointed days before his ethics hearing – couldn’t protect him from the law.
  • He registered his inaugural committee as a dark money group and is keeping Nevadans in the dark about his donors. Not to mention, he vetoed legislation that would have required the disclosure of those donors and brought more transparency to the government.


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