SHOTS/CHASER: Sam Brown Repeatedly Called for Primary Debates During Failed 2022 Senate Bid, Now Nowhere to be Found

During his failed 2022 Senate bid, Sam Brown publicly challenged Adam Laxalt to multiple primary debates – even going so far as to call Laxalt a “typical career politician cowardly hiding from voters,” and claiming that instead of debating, “‘(Laxalt’s) in DC with Mitch McConnell and an audience of DC lobbyists.” 

But this time around, Sam Brown is Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate, and he is desperately trying to avoid the first major GOP primary debate tomorrow night



Truth Social, 3/29/2022


Press Release, 5/11/2022


Twitter, 3/17/2022


 Twitter, 3/19/2022


Press Release, 3/14/2022

Chaser: The debate schedule for tomorrow is live, and Sam Brown’s name isn’t on it. He is dodging this debate because he knows he will be forced to answer for his toxic record that includes attempting to hide his support for Trump this cycle, backing extreme abortion bans, and running a scam PAC that swindled grassroots Republican donors to pay off his own campaign debts. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz
“There are countless examples of Sam Brown unequivocally demanding more debates during his last failed run for Senate, and the only thing that’s changed this cycle is he’s become Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate. Unless Brown wants to admit to voters that he’s a hypocrite, he should stop hiding behind his billionaire-backed Super PAC and join the debate stage with the rest of the MAGA field for Senate.”



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