Temper Tantrum Continued: Lombardo Vetoes Overwhelmingly Bipartisan Legislation

Joe Lombardo is still throwing a fit over lawmakers refusing to obey his every command. After threatening to veto a balanced budget that includes many of his own priorities, Lombardo has now vetoed:

  • AB265: A bill that passed both chambers unanimously to better address the mental health crisis. (Just months ago, Lombardo “attribut[ed] many of the problems facing society to a lack of mental health resources.”
  • AB223: A bill that passed with overwhelming bipartisan support to protect Nevadans from debt collection agencies.

“As he continues his rampage after failing to control lawmakers, Governor Lombardo has now resorted to striking down critical bipartisan legislation designed to protect Nevadans,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Mallory Payne. “Lombardo is making one thing clear: if he doesn’t get his way, he’ll make sure everyone suffers the consequences – including the families he was elected to serve.”



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