Texas Abortion Case Spotlights Post-Roe Reality Anti-Choice Republicans like Sam Brown Fought For

This week, Kate Cox was forced to flee her home state of Texas in order to receive emergency reproductive care ahead of the Texas Supreme Court’s refusal to allow her to obtain a potentially life-saving abortion. 

It’s a terrifying post-Roe reality that extreme anti-choice Republicans like Sam Brown have long fought for – one where anti-choice politicians are put directly between a woman and her private medical decisions. Brown:

  • Served as president and chairman of the Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition from November 2022 to October 2023. The group is a “spin-off” of the national anti-choice organization that called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity” and praised Texas’ six-week abortion ban that outlaws the procedure before many women even know they are pregnant. 
  • Has long opposed the protections of Roe v. Wade and considered it a litmus test for potential U.S. Supreme Court Justicesstating that he “would not vote for someone who would continue to support Roe v. Wade.”
  • Endorsed an extreme abortion ban during his failed bid for Texas House in 2014 that was considered one of the “toughest restrictions in the country.” The law was expected to shut down the vast majority of abortion providers in the state. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Johanna Warshaw
“Kate Cox’s case is a painful reminder of the real-life impact of anti-choice Republicans like Sam Brown, who have long fought to overturn Roe v. Wade and insert politicians into women’s private medical decisions. We will continue reminding Nevada voters of their extreme anti-choice agenda every day until next November.”


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