Toxic Policy Positions, Ethics Scandals, & MAGA Loyalty Plague First Year of Sam Brown’s Second Doomed Senate Campaign

Today marks one year since MAGA extremist Sam Brown launched his second doomed bid for the U.S. Senate. In the last year, Brown has repeatedly shown just how out of step he is with Nevadans – from his toxic policy stances, numerous ethics scandals, and his unwavering loyalty to a far-right MAGA agenda.

Sam Brown’s toxic policies are deeply out of step with hardworking Nevadans. Brown has pushed to ban abortion even in cases of rape or incest, embraced radical plans to phase out Social Security and Medicare in five years, and was caught on tape pushing to reopen Yucca Mountain and turn Nevada into the nation’s dumping ground for nuclear waste.

Sam Brown will say or do anything to get elected, even if it means racking up ethics violations. Brown has been plagued by a series of ethics scandals, including trying to cover up his leadership role in the Nevada chapter of an extreme anti-abortion organization and running a scam PAC that swindled grassroots Republican donors to pay off his own campaign debts – “a move one campaign finance expert likened to using the PAC as a ‘slush fund.’”

Sam Brown will always side with Donald Trump and far-right MAGA extremists over doing what’s right for Nevada. Brown has downplayed the violence at the Capitol on January 6 that was incited by the very same conspiracy theories he has spread – describing it as a “complex” mixture of “patriotic expression of [insurrectionists’] love of country” and their “concerns.” 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“Sam Brown has spent the past year trying to cover up his toxic agenda of banning abortion and threatening Social Security and Medicare, dodging repeated ethics scandals, and embracing the far-right MAGA wing of his party – and we have the receipts to prove it. Brown is deeply out of step with Nevadans, and that will become even more clear when he loses yet another campaign in November.”



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