Trump’s Plans for Nevada: Higher Costs and Fewer Freedoms

A month out from the Nevada GOP’s rigged caucus, here’s a reminder that Donald Trump already failed Nevada once – and now, he wants to implement an even more dangerous MAGA agenda that would rip away Nevadans’ hard-won rights and freedoms, reverse President Biden’s economic progress, slash Medicare and Social Security, and gift tax handouts to the ultra-wealthy and corporations at the expense of hardworking Nevada families.

Trump wants to increase costs on Nevada families:

  • Trump gifted billions of dollars in tax cuts to the extremely wealthy and largest corporations at the expense of everyday Nevadans, which skyrocketed the national debt. He’s pledged to make this MAGAnomics tax scam permanent while cutting investments in Nevada’s middle class.
  • Trump railed against the Inflation Reduction Act and has promised to repeal it, which could increase health care and prescription drug costs for hundreds of thousands of Nevadans.
  • Trump wants to snatch away Nevadans’ bedrock economic freedoms by slashing programs that they depend on to survive. While president, he proposed gutting Social Security and Medicare in every single one of his budgets and admitted that cuts to both programs would be a possibility if he has a second term in office.
  • Trump vowed to impose new tariffs that could engage the United States in a massive, detrimental trade war, which would lead to higher prices for Nevadans at the grocery store and make it harder for them to put food on the table for their families.

Trump would endanger Nevadans’ freedoms and democracy:

  • Trump has bragged about “killing” Roe v. Wade and is an advocate for a national abortion ban that would supersede Nevada state law protecting the right to choose.
  • He continues to push the Big Lie across the country. Just last month in Reno, Trump praised the six Nevada fake electors – including Nevada GOP Chair Michael McDonald – who tried to steal the 2020 election for him.
  • Trump promises to be a dictator on day one and praises brutal autocrats as he threatens to destroy America’s democracy if he gets another chance.



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