Under Pressure from All Sides, Sam Brown Desperately Attempts to Cover Up Toxic Support for Reopening Yucca Mountain

Brown continues to prove he will say or do anything to get elected, and Nevadans aren’t buying it 

Ever since MAGA extremist Sam Brown was caught on tape saying restarting Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste repository is an “incredible opportunity,” he has been doubling down on his toxic views.  

Now, after facing immense pressure from Democrats, Republicans, and environmental leaders across the Silver State, Brown is desperately trying to cover up his deeply unpopular support for turning Nevada into a dumping ground for the nation’s nuclear waste – and no one is buying it. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Sam Brown is so desperate to finally win an election on his third doomed attempt that he will say or do just about anything to get elected. Nevadans have made it clear they do not want our state turned into a dumping ground for the nation’s nuclear waste, and they’re not falling for Brown’s election year lies.”



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