VETO WATCH: Bill Requiring Lombardo to Disclose Inaugural Committee Donors Moves Toward His Desk

A bill is making its way to Joe Lombardo’s desk that would require him to actually be transparent with Nevadans for once and disclose his inaugural committee donors after he was caught red-handed hiding them behind a dark money group. Will Lombardo choose transparency like he pledged when he was elected, or will he continue keeping Nevadans in the dark about possible conflicts of interest as he wraps up his first legislative session with a potential record number of vetoes?

“Lombardo pledged to be transparent with Nevadans when he was elected and then promptly did the exact opposite, hiding his new donors and spending from the public,” said Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Mallory Payne. “While Lombardo’s veto count gets higher and higher, Nevadans are totally in the dark about possible special interests influencing the governor’s decisions. If Lombardo doesn’t sign this bill, he’ll confirm he’s catering to his special interest donors at the expense of Nevadans.”



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