WATCH: Reps. Dina Titus, Veronica Escobar Blast 2024 GOP Field Ahead Of Second GOP Debate

Today, Biden-Harris 2024 National Advisory Board member Congresswoman Dina Titus (NV-01) and National Co-Chair Congresswoman Veronica Escobar (TX-16) joined a press call with the Nevada State Democratic Party ahead of the second GOP debate this evening.


Read highlights from the press call below:

“You’re going to hear from these extreme GOP presidential hopefuls, and whether they try to pretend they’re extreme or not doesn’t matter because they’re all spouting the principles of MAGAnomics. … The first thing I just want to be really clear about is that MAGAnomics, as they have laid it out in every one of their campaigns, would be devastating for Nevada families. It just caters to the ultra-wealthy and the big corporations’ bottom line and it leaves the working families and the middle class — who are my constituents — behind,” said Congresswoman Dina Titus. “This is more extreme than anything we have seen. It’s unpopular if you ask people in Nevada their position on some of these issues. … There’s no question that Bidenomics is working for Nevadans — they can feel it in their everyday lives, they talk about it at the supper table, and they certainly don’t support the MAGAnomics of getting rid of these benefits that have helped them to recover.”

“MAGAnomics would be catastrophic for Texas, catastrophic for Nevada, and catastrophic for our country. But Republicans’ extreme agenda doesn’t stop there. While women around the country continue to face attacks on their reproductive freedoms, the GOP field is hellbent on taking these attacks even further,” said Congresswoman Veronica Escobar. “Every Republican on the debate stage tonight supports extreme abortion bans, and we can’t let them bring that agenda to Nevada. The stakes in this election could not be higher, and tonight, Americans will witness the most extreme slate of presidential candidates in history.”



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