WATCH: Sam Brown Repeatedly Pressed On Refusal to Debate Ahead of Thursday’s GOP Primary Debate

During the 2022 race, Brown repeatedly pushed for primary debates and now is dodging them

This weekend, Sam Brown gave a rare TV interview, during which he awkwardly dodged questions about why he is refusing to debate his fellow GOP primary candidates and doubled down on his extreme MAGA agenda. 

The reporter, John Langeler, called out Brown for talking “as if [you] were already through the primary,” when he has faced heavy criticism from his fellow candidates, who have labeled him Scam Brown and accused him of “being a pupil of Senator Mitch McConnell.”

Brown also doubled down on his MAGA opposition to the bipartisan border security deal, despite the fact that the National Border Patrol Council, the acting chief of U.S. Customs and Border, and key Senate Republicans all endorsed the bill because it would help secure our border.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“Sam Brown is hiding from voters and his fellow primary opponents because he knows he can’t defend his toxic agenda and record of putting his party leaders over what is best for Nevada.” 



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