WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Brown Desperate For Trump’s Support in Race to the Far-Right Nevada GOP Senate Primary 

Nevada’s “increasingly nasty” MAGA primary escalates as Brown begs for Trump’s approval

New reporting from CNN revealed that MAGA extremist Sam Brown flew to Mar-A-Lago last week to beg for Donald Trump’s endorsement in the “increasingly nasty” MAGA Republican primary. Brown has gone all-in on his unequivocal support for the disgraced former president in a desperate attempt to secure an endorsement and try to appeal to the MAGA base of his party.  

Brown also went on a right-wing media tour where he said Donald Trump is the reason he’s running for Senate and bragged about being an “active volunteer” for the Trump campaign. Meanwhile, former Trump ambassador Jeff Gunter is threatening a multi-million dollar ad buy touting his “110%” support for Trump. 

Read more coverage about Brown’s desperate trip to Mar-a-Lago to kiss Trump’s ring:

CNN: Trump world divided on Nevada Senate race as Sam Brown seeks endorsement from the former president

April 9, 2024

  • An increasingly nasty Republican Senate primary in Nevada has divided those in former President Donald Trump’s orbit.
  • Brown met with Trump at his Mar-a-Lago resort last week to seek his endorsement, two sources familiar with the interaction told CNN.
  • Brown has drawn the ire of many of Trump’s staunchest supporters, who instead are privately encouraging the former president to back Dr. Jeffrey Gunter, his former ambassador to Iceland.
  • While Brown door-knocked for Trump in 2020, he later appeared to distance himself from the former president, declining to tell Punchbowl News in an August interview whether he would be “comfortable with sharing the GOP ticket with Trump in Nevada.” He eventually endorsed Trump before the Iowa caucuses.

Nevada Current: Brown reportedly went to Mar-a-Lago seeking Trump’s endorsement

April 9, 2024

  • Nevada Republican U.S. Senate candidate Sam Brown went to Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida last week to seek Trump’s endorsement, CNN reported Tuesday.
  • Though Trump has yet to endorse in the Nevada Republican Senate primary, his endorsements in Senate primaries in other battleground states have mostly corresponded with the NRSC’s preferred candidates. 
  • Trump however is also proud of boasting about the power of his endorsements.

National Journal Hotline: NEVADA: Trump World Divided Over Who to Endorse

  • Trump world is divided over who to endorse in the GOP primary to take on Sen. Jacky Rosen (D). 2022 candidate Sam Brown (R), who NRSC Chairman Steve Daines encouraged to run, met with former President Trump “at his Mar-a-Lago resort last week to seek his endorsement” but did not get it.
  • WHAT’S WRONG. “Brown has drawn the ire of many of Trump’s staunchest supporters, who instead are privately encouraging the former president to back” former Ambassador to Iceland Jeffrey Ross Gunter (R). (CNN)



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