WHAT THEY’RE SAYING: Rocky Start to Mitch McConnell Recruit and Two-Time Loser Sam Brown’s Doomed Senate Bid

Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown is already off to a rocky start in his second doomed bid for the GOP nomination in Nevada. 

Read how outlets across the country are covering his disastrous record – which includes being pushed into the race by McConnell and the NRSC despite skepticism from in-state Republicans, losing every GOP primary he’s ever run in, and staking out far-right positions on issues from abortion to Trump’s Big Lie. 

Associated Press: Retired Army Capt. Sam Brown mounts 2nd bid for US Senate in Nevada after losing GOP primary in 2022

  • Brown, who lives in Reno, also ran on a mix of conservative tenets and several specific positions related to Nevada, including protecting gun laws, mining Nevada’s natural resources to increase energy independence and giving more power to local school boards to determine school curriculum rather than the state.
  • …Brown said that Laxalt did not push hard enough in his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results when Laxalt chaired Trump’s 2020 Nevada campaign.

Ralston Reports: A Brown Out for the Marchant of Menace? 

  • As for Brown, he has a great story to tell, but this is a desperation move by the NRSC in a state where the GOP bench has been thinned out. It’s basically Gov. Joe Lombardo and the dwarves. 
  • Brown may be able to raise some money, and he could give Rosen a run, but consider the NRSC could not find anyone who has ever held office here, much less won a race! 

ABC News: Nevada Republican Sam Brown launching another Senate bid, teeing up marquee race

  • Republican candidates like Marchant, who embrace baseless allegations about elections, particularly the 2020 presidential race, have proven popular in some of their party’s primaries.
  • Brown enters the race with conservative bona fides, saying during his 2022 campaign that he opposes abortion access. 
  • He also accused Laxalt last year of not doing enough to protect what he called “election integrity” while in office in 2016 and as a co-chair of Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign in Nevada.

Washington Post: Congress returns with lots to do but little time to do it

  • Republicans’ preferred candidate, retired U.S. Army Capt. Sam Brown, this morning announced that he will challenge Sen. Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.).
  • While Brown was not the National Republican Senatorial Committee’s or McConnell’s first choice last cycle, he is this time around. The NRSC actively recruited him to run. 
  • But Democrats think Brown is vulnerable, especially on the issue of abortion, in the purple state. 

Nevada Independent: Army veteran Sam Brown enters U.S. Senate race

  • In his previous run, Brown lost in the primary to former attorney general Adam Laxalt by more than 20 percentage points.
  • Politically, Brown’s 2022 positions reflected the Republican base, both fiscally and socially. He blamed inflation on government spending, which he said he wanted to cut by eliminating several federal agencies. 
  • While Brown has the support of the National Republican Senatorial Committee — Daines recruited him to run — Marchant may have some local party support. The Republican Party chairs of Clark and Washoe counties spoke at Marchant’s launch event.

The American Independent: Extremist election denier Sam Brown announces 2024 Senate bid in Nevada

  • Polls show Brown’s right-wing positions on reproductive rights, gun safety, and climate put him outside the mainstream in Nevada.
  • Though Republican leaders have said they hope to recruit stronger candidates in 2024 than those who lost competitive Senate races in 2022, they are promoting a similar crop of hopefuls: candidates who oppose abortion rights and have a history of spreading election denial conspiracy theories.
  • The Cook Political Report noted in June that Nevada Republicans are skeptical of Brown’s viability and that other Republican candidates might still join the race.


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