What to Know About MAGA Extremist Sam Brown Ahead of the Nevada Senate Primary

Sam Brown will always put partisan politics ahead of what’s best for Nevadans 

After months of trying to win over the far-right wing of his party, MAGA extremist Sam Brown is entering tomorrow’s Nevada Republican Senate primary damaged and unable to hide his extreme record of supporting abortion bans, pushing to store the nation’s nuclear waste in Nevada, and threatening Social Security and Medicare. 

Learn more about MAGA extremist Sam Brown and his toxic record that has left him deeply out of step with Nevada voters: 

Sam Brown has a decade-long anti-abortion record, a major liability in pro-choice Nevada. 

  • Brown repeatedly supported banning abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, including a Texas law that had some of the toughest abortion restrictions in the country. Brown even said that his anti-abortion views are “non-negotiable.” 
  • Until October 2023, Brown served as the local president of an extreme anti-choice organization that has strongly backed a nationwide abortion ban and called Roe v. Wade a moral atrocity.” The group also praised Texas’ six-week abortion ban.
  • Brown strongly supported overturning Roe v. Wade and considered it a litmus test for potential Supreme Court Justices. He was caught on tape saying that he “would not vote for someone who would continue to support Roe v. Wade and stated that he will only support Justices who “understand the importance of protecting Life.”

Sam Brown is pushing a far-right agenda that would devastate hardworking Nevada families. 

  • Brown supports re-opening Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste repository. Re-opening Yucca, like Brown wants, was called the third rail” of Nevada politics because it goes against scientific, business, and political leaders from across the Silver State.
  • Brown was caught on tape saying that he admired an extreme plan that would phase out Social Security and Medicare in five years – calling it a “roadmap for a better America.” 
  • Brown opposes the Affordable Care Act and has pushed to repeal it throughout his political career – threatening to take health insurance away from hundreds of thousands of Nevadans.
  • Brown would vote to repeal the Inflation Reduction Act and called its drug pricing provisions to cap insulin at $35/month and allow Medicare to negotiate for lower drug costs “a big loss for the American people.” 
  • Brown has called for “painful” cuts across federal departments, causing massive cuts to Nevada schools and ending the enforcement of the Clean Air and Water Acts.
  • Brown says he would have voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that’s bringing 140,000 good-paying jobs to Nevada and rebuilding roads, and that he would be a vote to repeal it in the Senate. He even openly attacked federal funding from the bill for the job-creating Brightline West high-speed rail project. 

Sam Brown is a MAGA extremist who puts partisan politics and corporate special interests ahead of what’s best for Nevada.

  • Brown was a vocal supporter of the MAGA efforts to overturn the 2020 election. He even downplayed the January 6th insurrection at the U.S. Capitol, which led to the deaths of five police officers, saying that the rioters were showing a “patriotic expression” of their “love of country.”
  • Brown wants to extend Trump’s massive tax cuts for the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations at the expense of Nevada’s middle-class families and small businesses, a plan that leading economists have found would add trillions of dollars to the deficit over the next decade. 



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