With All Eyes on Nevada Ahead of Trump’s Rally, Sam Brown’s Toxic MAGA Agenda is on Full Display

Sam Brown has spent the last six months publicly begging for Trump’s support, doubling down on his MAGA agenda 

All eyes are on Nevada today as convicted felon Donald Trump takes the stage in Las Vegas – and MAGA extremist Sam Brown will be right by his side. Brown has been desperately begging for Trump’s approval for the last six months and further proving just how out of step with Nevadans he really is. 

No matter what happens today, one thing is clear: Sam Brown will always put pleasing Donald Trump and pushing a far-right MAGA agenda over doing what’s right for Nevadans.  

  • Brown has spent the past six months desperately seeking Trump’s approval  – going on a far-right media tour to tout his MAGA credentials, flying to Mar-A-Lago to beg for Trump’s endorsement in person, and repeatedly proclaiming that Trump “motivated” him to run for office.
  • Brown has an extreme MAGA record that will devastate hardworking Nevada families.
  • Brown has repeatedly supported banning abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, including a Texas law that had some of the toughest abortion restrictions in the country. Brown even said that his anti-abortion views are “non-negotiable.” 
  • Brown said an extreme plan that would phase out Social Security and Medicare in five years was a “roadmap for a better America.” 
  • Brown opposes the Affordable Care Act and has consistently pushed to repeal it – threatening to take health insurance away from hundreds of thousands of Nevadans. Brown also called the Inflation Reduction Act and its drug pricing provisions to cap insulin at $35/month and “a big loss for the American people.” 
  • Brown called reviving Yucca Mountain as a nuclear waste repository an “incredible opportunity” – putting him at odds with scientific, business, and political leaders from across the Silver State.
  • Brown opposed the Bipartisan Border Bill earlier this year before the text of the bill was even released solely because of Trump’s opposition. When the text was actually made public, Brown doubled down and immediately opposed the widely supported bipartisan plan, putting him at odds with the Border Patrol Union.

Nevada Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz 

“After begging at Mar-A-Lago, calling the former president his personal inspiration, and embarking on a far-right media tour to tout his MAGA credentials, Sam Brown has proven he will go to any length – no matter how embarrassing – to get the Donald Trump stamp of approval he so desperately desires. While Sam Brown continues stumbling over himself to suck up to Trump, he’s also proving to voters that he is a MAGA extremist who will always put partisan politics over doing what’s right for Nevadans.” 



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