MAGA Extremist Drew Johnson’s Tweets to Raise Retirement Age, Gut Social Security and Medicare for Seniors

MAGA extremist Drew Johnson has a long record of attacking seniors and Social Security and if given the chance, would fall in with the far-right fringes and phase out the program that more than one million Nevadans paid into and rely on.

See below for more of Johnson’s attacks on seniors: 

  • Drew Johnson believes that Social Security is a “failed policy” that turns beneficiaries into a burden on our economy. He also believes that 65 year olds should still be working.
  • Johnson believes that anyone who relies on Social Security for their retirement is not a “responsible adult,” rather they are a “socialist suckling off the teat of gov’t.”
  • On his website, Drew Johnson admits to being committed to making Social Security “solvent,” which is far-right code for raising the retirement age and gutting the program.

“Nevada is home to more than one million seniors and Drew Johnson’s attacks on seniors is a slap in the face to the years of hard work they put in to earn Social Security,” said Nevada State Democratic spokesperson Tai Sims. “Johnson is a far-right extremist ready to sell out Nevadans to the highest bidder and allow Social Security to sunset. Congresswoman Susie Lee’s record is clear: she’ll always fight for seniors, guard Social Security, and protect Medicare.



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