ICYMI: NV Dems Condemn Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Prohibition Against Bump Stocks

Last week, Nevada Democrats across state and federal levels condemned the Supreme Courts’ decision to overturn the prohibition against the use of bump stocks. Democrats have been on the frontlines of the fight to ban bump stocks for decades and that effort was reinforced by the deadly Oct. 1 shooting. In 2019, Democrats in the state legislature led by Assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui banned possessing, owning, transferring or selling bump stocks. Congresswoman Dina Titus has been on the frontlines for the fight to ban bump stocks, she authored the Closing the Bump Stocks Loophole Act that would legislatively treat bump stocks the same as machine guns and ban them once and for all.

See what NV Dems are saying about SCOTUS’ decision below:  



AP: Trump once defied the NRA to ban bump stocks. He now says he ‘did nothing’ to restrict guns

Key points:

  • On Friday, Trump’s campaign to return to the White House defended a Supreme Court decision to strike down his own ban on those devices. Trump has been endorsed by the NRA and claimed this year in a speech that he “did nothing” to restrict guns.
  • “Weapons of war have no place on the streets of America, but Trump’s Supreme Court justices have decided the gun lobby is more important than the safety of our kids and our communities,” said Michael Tyler, a Biden campaign spokesman.
  • The decision on Friday may gain more attention in the key Western battleground state of Nevada, where in 2017 a high-stakes gambler killed 60 people before killing himself, leaving his exact motive a mystery.
  • A Nevada state lawmaker who was among the 22,000 concertgoers who fled the barrage of bullets in Las Vegas in October 2017 said that “No community has felt the devastating impact of bump stocks more than Nevadans.”
  • “Now more than ever, it is important to elect Democrats up and down the ballot to ensure we keep our communities safe from the epidemic of gun violence and prevent soulless, morally corrupt, and bankrupt MAGA Republicans beholden to the gun lobby from being in charge of the public safety of our communities,” said assemblywoman Sandra Jauregui, a Democrat.



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