Indicted Fake Elector Michael McDonald Launches Site Featuring Strong Ties to Joe Lombardo

Joe Lombardo and his “longtime friend”, indicted fake elector and NVGOP Chair Michael McDonald apparently launched a site together for McDonald’s personal slush fund, Alpha PAC. McDonald reportedly used Alpha PAC to mislead donors into paying recently-arrested fellow indicted fake elector, Clark County GOP Chair Jesse Law. Funny enough, while operated by an election denier, the website names “securing the integrity and fairness of the electoral process” as its mission. Lombardo is front and center on the site, pictured with McDonald and clearly intended to be a fundraising draw for the PAC. This is just further proof that Lombardo is willing to do and say anything for political power, including joining forces with far-right extremists and indicted fake electors to push an out of touch agenda. 

That’s not all – recent reporting showed Lombardo has endorsed multiple election deniers for elected office. Lombardo’s affiliated PAC, Better Nevada, paid for election denier Carrie Buck’s campaign ad after she falsely said that “1,500 dead people voted in 2020.” Buck isn’t the only election denier Lombardo endorsed. In state legislative races, Lombardo also endorsed Ken Gray, who said at a campaign rally in 2022, to a crowd of Trump supporters, “I do believe the election was stolen” and Jill Dickman, who complained of “voter fraud” in a December 2020 Facebook post as Trump was trying to steal the election. In the messy GOP Senate primary, Lombardo is backing MAGA extremist Sam Brown, who has a long history of supporting election conspiracy theories and downplaying the violent events of January 6.  

“Joe Lombardo and his ‘longtime friend,’ indicted fake elector Michael McDonald, are in lockstep with Donald Trump, Sam Brown, and MAGA extremists on their baseless lies about the 2020 election,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Tai Sims. “Lombardo will do and say anything to score political points, including aligning himself with far-right extremists who spread dangerous lies and conspiracies about the 2020 election. Lombardo is promoting a misleading PAC with MAGA extremists, coddling up to the far-right fringes of the Republican party and selling Nevadans to the highest bidder in service to Donald Trump.”



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