NV Dems Chair Statement on the First Presidential Debate

Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement on the first presidential debate:

“Nevadans saw the unhinged, defeated former president on full display tonight, peddling his extreme agenda of taking away women’s fundamental freedoms, giving tax cuts and giveaways to corporate landlords and his ultra-wealthy friends while he raises costs for hardworking Nevada families. In stark contrast, President Biden is delivering on the kitchen table issues that matter most to Nevadans – creating more than 280,000 good-paying jobs, lowering health care and prescription drug costs, investing over $1 billion for affordable housing in Nevada and fighting to defend our freedoms and democracy. The choice this election cycle is clear. We can continue to build our economy while investing in infrastructure, creating a clean energy economy, and lowering costs for hardworking Nevadans – or roll back the clock on fundamental rights that we’ve earned and expanded. A second Trump term would mean four more years of failed promises, of anti-worker schemes, and billionaire-first scams. Nevadans know that President Biden is for the people, while Donald Trump is for himself – and Nevadans will reject Donald Trump for a third time this November.”


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