NV Dems Rally for Abortion Rights, Underscore Threat MAGA Extremists Pose to Reproductive Freedom

On the two year anniversary of the Dobbs decision, NV Dems up and down the ballot underscored the ongoing threat Donald Trump and MAGA extremists like Sam Brown and the entire far-right slate of GOP congressional candidates pose to reproductive freedom in Nevada. 

In the Senate race, Sam Brown has repeatedly supported abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, including an extreme abortion ban in Texas that was considered one of the “toughest restrictions in the country.” In the race for Congress, John Lee made his opposition to reproductive freedom a central part of his messaging during his failed 2022 gubernatorial campaign, vowing to be “the most pro-life governor in the history of Nevada.” Mark Robertson supported the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade and according to Drew Johnson’s website, he accepted the endorsements of two members of the far-right Freedom Caucus and said he is “honored” to count on them. 

See how NV Dems highlighted the threat MAGA extremists pose to reproductive freedom below: 


Las Vegas Sun: On anniversary of overturning Roe, women rally in Las Vegas for Biden, abortion access

Key points: 

  • Monday marked the second anniversary of the Supreme Court’s 6-3 ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson’s Women Health Organization, in which the court overturned the landmark 1972 Roe v. Wade case that had protected a woman’s right to an abortion for 50 years. The ruling paved the way for limits in states such as Texas, which bans abortions after six weeks of pregnancy.
  • More than 1 in 3 women now live in a state where abortion is banned, Dennard said. At least 25 million women live in states with abortion restrictions, according to The Associated Press.
  • It appears that Nevadans in November will have a chance to give more protections to women.
  • Nevadans for Reproductive Freedom is close to getting an initiative on the ballot that would codify the right to an abortion into the state constitution. The campaign in three months gathered 200,000 signatures — including at least 25,000 from each of Nevada’s four congressional districts, as required by law — to be put on the ballot.
  • Nevada already has a voter-affirmed statute that guarantees a woman’s right to an abortion up to 24 weeks, but it only protects such rights in the short term, Rep. Dina Titus, D-Nev., said at Monday’s event.
  • “If somebody starts telling you, ‘Oh, it’s already decided in Nevada,’ you remind them a little of the history. For the short term you’re OK, but what about your daughter or your granddaughter, you wanna have them have fewer rights than you have at this point? And that’s exactly the road we’re headed in,” Titus said.
  • Another speaker at the event, Nevada State Senate Majority Leader Nicole Cannizzaro, who is pregnant with her third child, recalled the morning two years ago when Roe v. Wade was officially overturned. Her first baby was almost a year old, and the family was hopeful to expand, she said.
  • Hearing that reproductive rights had been struck down federally was “so scary,” that Cannizzaro said she became angry and was determined to lead the charge to protect a woman’s right to choice. She’s now a leading proponent of codifying reproductive rights in the Nevada Constitution.
  • The women and other elected leaders at the Biden event were critical of Sam Brown, the “extremist” Republican nominee who is facing incumbent U.S. Sen. Jacky Rosen, D-Nev., in November.
  • Nevada Assemblywoman Daniele Monroe-Moreno, the chairwoman of the Nevada State Democratic Party, said candidates such as Brown were going to “make good on their word to implement a dangerous abortion ban” across the United States that would put Nevada’s reproductive rights at risk.
  • “We’re living in a time when my daughters, my granddaughters had fewer rights than I did at their age and that’s because of Donald Trump and the three Supreme Court Justices that ripped away a woman’s right to make decisions about her own damn body,” Monroe-Moreno said. “I want to make it clear — perfectly clear — that what happens to women in Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Louisiana or anywhere in our country affects women here in Nevada because injustice to women anywhere is a threat to women’s justice absolutely everywhere.”



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