Sam Brown Slammed for Past Sexist Comments Against Female Elected Official Who Was “Not Married with Children to Provide for or Nurture”

Daily Kos: “The GOP has landed yet another problematic candidate … a militant anti-abortion extremist.

New reporting from Daily Kos has slammed MAGA extremist Sam Brown for his extreme anti-abortion record, as well as past sexist comments he has made about women he’s run against. 

The article also highlighted Brown’s failed primary bid for Texas House of Representatives, where he refused to endorse one of the women who defeated him because she was “not married with children to provide for or nurture.”

Read more about Sam Brown’s extreme anti-women and anti-abortion agenda below:

Daily Kos: GOP picks anti-abortion extremist from Texas for Nevada Senate race 

Joan McCarter

June 13, 2024

  • In the battleground state of Nevada, the GOP has landed yet another problematic candidate … a militant anti-abortion extremist.
  • As soon as the primary results were in, Rosen released an ad featuring a woman who had to leave her home in Texas for abortion care. She now lives in Nevada. 
  • Brown ran for a Texas state house seat in 2014 but lost in the Republican primary. Part of his campaign focused on his support of a 20-week abortion ban the state passed the previous year.
  • In Rosen’s ad, Valerie Peterson talks about finding out late in her wanted pregnancy that her unborn son would not survive after birth. 
  • “Because of the law Sam Brown pushed for, I had to leave Texas to get the care that I needed,” she says. “Now I live in Nevada, and I can’t watch Sam Brown take away our rights here too.”
  • The abortion ban Brown supported in Texas a decade ago didn’t include exceptions for rape or incest, making it one of the strictest bans in the country at the time. Now Brown is trying hard to downplay his anti-abortion extremism, saying that he was just respecting the will of Texas voters who elected the lawmakers that passed that bill.
  • Brown served as chairman of the executive board for Nevada Faith and Freedom Coalition, an extreme anti-abortion group that has backed a federal abortion ban and called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity.” He stepped down from that role last year when he filed to run for this Senate seat.
  • [Brown] also showed his misogynistic stripes, with sexist comments about one of his fellow opponents after a failed primary run for Texas State House in 2014 turned into a runoff between two women. That year, he endorsed Linda Koop over Stefani Carter, citing Koop’s “shared experience” in the community compared to Carter, who was “not married with children to provide for or nurture and has refused to plant roots.”
  • Called out for those sexist comments, Brown dismissed the concerns entirely, saying “I would be fundamentally disqualified from the definition of a sexist because I’m endorsing a woman.” 
  • Rosen told The Washington Post that she’s making abortion rights a top issue in this campaign “because if Sam Brown wins—or if any of those other [Republican] candidates win—they will 100% put a nationwide ban in.”



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