Supreme Court Upholds Federal Red Flag Law, Lombardo Intends to Remove Nevada’s

Last week, the Supreme Court upheld a federal red flag law that is intended to protect victims of domestic violence from gun violence. This comes after Joe Lombardo’s campaign website stated that he intended to “remove antiquated laws, including Nevada’s Red Flag law.” Lombardo’s position on guns is more extreme than the far-right Supreme Court that recently overturned a ban on the type of deadly bump stocks used in the Oct. 1 shooting. Lombardo was previously caught having lied while courting the far-right gun lobby on the campaign trail in 2021, when he significantly downplayed the number of untraceable, unregulated weapons known as ghost guns confiscated by law enforcement in Las Vegas. 

In April, the Nevada State Supreme Court upheld AB286, the state’s 2021 law banning the sale and possession of untraceable, unregulated weapons known as ghost guns. Lombardo vetoed AB354, a similar bill that would have cracked down on dangerous ghost guns to keep communities safe. Lombardo claimed he vetoed that Democrat-led legislation because it and other bills like it “don’t pass constitutional muster,” but Nevada’s Supreme Court’s decision to uphold AB286 shows that Lombardo’s excuse was a flimsy, politically-motivated cover up — and exactly the type of rhetoric that one might expect from someone beholden to the gun lobby like Joe Lombardo.

“With this latest Supreme Court ruling, Lombardo has become more extreme than the far-right Justices hand-picked by Donald Trump and his extremism will cost Nevada communities their safety,” said Nevada State Democratic Party spokesperson Tai Sims. 



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