Attacks Ramp Up in “Nevada’s Crowded GOP Race for Senate”

Two more MAGA Republican candidates jumped into the Nevada Senate fray this week – and they wasted no time attacking Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown for being a “losing candidate” pushed on Nevadans by “Washington elites.” 

In a scathing interview, former Trump Ambassador and GOP megadonor Jeff Gunter lambasted Brown’s ties to the GOP establishment:

  • “I have been doing great stuff in Nevada for 28 years when my opponent Sam Brown was losing his election in Texas.”
  • “The establishment wants to dabble in the primary. The establishment NRSC is going to tell Nevadans how to vote? It’s a bad plan. Nevada is a Battle Born state. We are Trump country.”
  • “How is it going to work when DC elites tell Nevadans how to vote? By running a four- time losing candidate like Sam Brown? He can be a puppet for the Deep State and the elites. He is representing the views of Mitch McConnell and Steve Daines who want to tell the people of Nevada how to eat, sleep and breathe and who to vote for.”

Jim Marchant also attacked Brown for declining to endorse Trump’s presidential campaign – despite doing so in 2022:

  • “Two Nevada media outlets have asked Brown if he is endorsing Donald Trump in the GOP presidential primary, but in keeping with the wishes of his RINO bosses, Mitch McConnell and Lindsey Graham, Sam Brown has declined to do so.” 
  • “And that’s why [Nevadans] will elect me Senator: they know I’ll fight for them, not for McConnell or Graham.”

Former Lt. Governor candidate Tony Grady took a jab at McConnell lackey Sam Brown during his launch video, saying:

  •  “And now Washington elites want to choose our candidate? Not a chance.” 


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