NVDems: Southern Nevada Regional Press Secretary

The Nevada State Democratic Party is seeking a talented and motivated Southern Nevada Regional Press Secretary to support the communications department in uplifting Nevada Democrats up and down the ballot. The position will focus on Nevada’s competitive state legislative races by uplifting Democratic accomplishments and holding Republicans accountable.

Role Overview

The Southern Nevada Regional Press Secretary will report to the Communications Director on day-to-day operations involving competitive legislative elections as well as party affairs. This role will help in monitoring media, offering logistical support, and overall, helping to lift up and to shape our party’s narrative. This job is based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Tasks & Responsibilities:

Including, but not limited to:

  • Building relationships with local reporters
  • Staffing the party chair for press-facing events
  • Compiling and disseminating daily news clips
  • Maintaining the press list and press email account
  • Drafting pitches, talking points, op-eds, press releases, and media advisories
  • Working with media surrogates
  • Organizing press events, handling RSVP lists, check-in, and other duties as needed

Required Qualifications:

  • Excellent writing skills and understanding of NV Dems’ message
  • Ability to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment with attention to detail
  • Strong interpersonal skills with ability to operate cross-departmentally and with outside organizations
  • College degree and interest in electing Democrats up and down the ticket

Preferred Background and Experience:

  • Ability to speak and to write in Spanish
  • Previous statewide campaign experience or official side experience  

Diverse candidates are strongly encouraged to apply.

Please send your resume to [email protected] to apply.

The Nevada State Democratic Party (NSDP) prohibits discrimination of employment, promotion, compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment on the basis of gender, disability, race, age, national origin, color, creed, sexual orientation, sex (including marital and parental status), gender identity and expression, religion, economic status, ethnic identity, veteran’s status, genetic information or any other basis prohibited by applicable law. This policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the NSDP, including opportunity for employment and treatment as a NSDP employee.

The NSDP is an equal opportunity employer and will comply with all applicable laws prohibiting discrimination in employment. The NSDP’s equal opportunity policy covers all programs, services, policies, and procedures of the NSDP, including opportunity for employment and treatment as a NSDP employee, as well as opportunities for Consultants to contract with the NSDP. The NSDP is committed to building a staff that reflects the diverse communities that make up our state.


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