MAGA Extremist Sam Brown Cozies Up to Prominent Conspiracy Theorist Wayne Allyn Root to Court Far-Right MAGA Base, Pledge Trump Loyalty

Brown called Root, who pushed radical conspiracy theories about 9/11 and 1 October shooting, a “warrior” and “inspirational”

Brown: “I am running for the United States Senate to support him, I’ve always been with President Trump”

MAGA extremist Sam Brown took his right-wing media tour a step further yesterday by cozying up to prominent conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root on his ultra-conservative talk radio show in an effort to promote his far-right MAGA agenda. 

Wayne Allyn Root is a radical extremist “known for promoting bogus right-wing conspiracy theories” about the 1 October mass shooting in Las Vegas, the 9/11 terrorist attack, President Obama, the COVID pandemic, and more. Despite this, Brown called Root a “warrior,” a “wild man,” and “inspirational.” 

Brown also used his time on this right-wing theorists’ show to praise Donald Trump and once again said Trump is the reason he’s running for Senate. Brown reminded listeners he was an active volunteer for the Trump campaign, bragged about Eric Trump visiting his home during the 2020 election, and embarrassingly touted the “encouraging stats” the disgraced former President was posting on Truth Social about Brown after he flew to Mar-A-Lago to beg for a full endorsement. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz 

“Sam Brown is spending every day of this primary further aligning himself with the far-right MAGA base, pledging his loyalty to Trump, and proving how out of step he is with regular Nevadans. Wayne Allyn Root is a radical conspiracy theorist who peddles dangerous disinformation about COVID vaccines, the 1 October mass shooting, President Obama and more – but that’s not stopping Brown from praising him as  a “warrior” and calling him ‘inspirational.’”



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