Sam Brown and GOP Senate Field’s MAGA Values On Display as Trump Returns to Nevada

Brown, GOP field have endorsed Trump and his toxic MAGA agenda that’s been repeatedly rejected by Nevadans since 2016

Donald Trump is holding a rally in Las Vegas tomorrow, and the MAGA field of Senate candidates can’t wait. Fresh off of his Iowa and New Hampshire victories, Trump is returning to the state he’s lost in back to back general elections ahead of the NVGOP’s upcoming primary/caucus chaos. Trump’s latest campaign visit is giving every GOP candidate the chance to further prove their allegiance to the disgraced former president and his toxic agenda.

Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown caved to pressure from his GOP primary opponents to offer a late-in-the-game endorsement of Trump earlier this month, confirming that he is on board with Trump’s extreme MAGA agenda of taking away reproductive freedom, repealing protections for people with pre-existing conditions, and slashing taxes for the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations.

Over the past few months, Trump has:

  • Bragged about being responsible for overturning Roe v. Wade 
  • Said that he hoped the U.S. economy would crash in 2024 because it would be good for his campaign 
  • Pledged to renew efforts to repeal the Affordable Care Act if elected, which would rip away health care from millions of Americans

It’s a deeply unpopular agenda that every Senate GOP candidate will be forced to defend as they embrace their party’s all but certain presidential nominee. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz:

“With Donald Trump returning to Nevada with the unequivocal endorsement of every major Republican running for Senate, every one of these GOP contenders will be forced to answer for his toxic agenda of banning abortion, gutting health care, and slashing taxes for the ultra-wealthy and giant corporations at the expense of the middle class.”  



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