Sam Brown Files for Second Doomed Senate Bid, Officially Joins Messy GOP Primary

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz released the following statement on Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown filing for his second doomed candidacy for U.S. Senate in Nevada and officially joining the messiest GOP primary in the country:

“MAGA extremist Sam Brown is a self-serving politician who puts the interests of his party leaders in Washington and out-of-state billionaires and special interests over what’s best for hardworking Nevadans. Whether he is pushing extreme abortion bans after fighting to overturn Roe v. Wade, or supporting a plan to phase out Social Security and Medicare while doubling down on tax cuts for the ultra-rich and giant corporations, Brown’s priorities are deeply out of step with Nevada voters. For the next three months, Nevada will continue to be one of the messiest and most crowded Republican Senate primaries in the country.”

Here’s what you need to know about Sam Brown’s toxic agenda:

  • Sam Brown has a decade-long, extreme anti-abortion record that includes pushing to overturn Roe v. Wade and using it as a litmus test for confirming judges, backing a radical Texas abortion ban with no exception for rape or incest, and serving as Nevda president of an extreme anti-choice organization that has backed a nationwide abortion ban and called Roe v. Wade a “moral atrocity.” 
  • Sam Brown is a direct threat to affordable, accessible health care and critical benefits in Nevada. He has fought to repeal the Affordable Care Act, praised an extreme plan to automatically phase out Social Security and Medicare in just five years, and opposes the Inflation Reduction Act that is ​​capping the cost of insulin at $35/month and allowing Medicare to negotiate for lowering prescription drug prices – calling it a “big loss for the American people.” 
  • Sam Brown is out of step with Nevadans, including members of his own party. He would be a vote to repeal the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law that has created thousands of good-paying union jobs while rebuilding Nevada’s roads, modernizing airports across the state, and expanding access to high-speed internet. He openly attacked federal funding for the job-creating Brightline West high-speed rail project between California and Las Vegas that is backed by Republicans, Democrats, environmental groups, and pro-business leaders across Southern Nevada. Brown has even gone against GOP Governor Lombardo, who said Brightline West was “historic federal funding” that would “transform our state and region.” 
  • The race for the GOP nomination in Nevada is one of the messiest primaries in the country, with every candidate being pushed even further to the right. Among the other candidates who have already filed are former Trump Ambassador Jeff Gunter and former Lt. Governor candidate Tony Grady. Brown caved to pressure from his primary opponents and was forced to endorse Donald Trump for president after dodging questions for six months about who he would support in the Presidential primary.
  • Brown only moved to Nevada five years ago, and he immediately started trying to run for office – first exploring a campaign for the Assembly in 2020, then losing the primary for U.S. Senate by more than 20 points in 2022. Brown first ran for office in Texas in 2014, and as a candidate for state legislature (he lost that GOP primary too), Brown said: “It will literally take an act of God to get me out of Texas.”



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