As Senate Votes on Right to IVF Act, MAGA Extremist Sam Brown Continues to Oppose Federal Legislation Protecting Fertility Treatment for Families

Adding to a decade-long anti-abortion record, Brown has said he would not support the Senate bill to strengthen protections for IVF across the country

As the Senate gets ready to vote on major federal protections for IVF and other assisted reproductive services, MAGA extremist Sam Brown has refused to support legislation to protect IVF – making clear he would be a direct threat to Nevadans’ reproductive freedom.

Brown has admitted he would vote against federal protections for IVF and other assisted reproductive services if he were in the Senate. 

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“Far-right extremists like Sam Brown opened the door to dangerous attacks on reproductive health care and families seeking fertility treatments, and now Brown is on the record opposing a legislative solution to protect nationwide access to IVF. As Jacky Rosen continues fighting for a woman’s right to make her own family planning decisions, Sam Brown remains a threat to every Nevadan’s ability to choose how and when to start a family.”

Here’s what else you need to know about Sam Brown’s extreme record: 

  • Brown has repeatedly supported banning abortion without exceptions for rape or incest, including a Texas law that had some of the toughest abortion restrictions in the country. Brown even said that his anti-abortion views are “non-negotiable.” 
  • Until October 2023, Brown served as the local president of an extreme anti-choice organization that has strongly backed a nationwide abortion ban and called Roe v. Wade a moral atrocity.” The group also praised Texas’ six-week abortion ban.
  • Brown strongly supported overturning Roe v. Wade and considered it a litmus test for potential Supreme Court Justices. He was caught on tape saying that he “would not vote for someone who would continue to support Roe v. Wade and stated that he will only support Justices who “understand the importance of protecting Life.”



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