DEBATE NIGHT: What to Know Ahead of the Second GOP Primary Debate Sam Brown is Skipping

Brown, who pushed for multiple primary debates during his last failed Senate bid, continues dodging the debate stage while the other leading GOP candidates show up to share their ideas with voters  

Tonight, almost every candidate vying for the Nevada Senate Republican nomination will take the stage in Las Vegas for the second major debate of the GOP primary. The exception? Mitch McConnell’s handpicked candidate Sam Brown. It’s sure to be another eventful evening of GOP in-fighting that will put these MAGA-fueled candidates’ mad dash to the far-right front and center.

Nevada State Democratic Party Spokesperson Katharine Kurz

“No matter what happens on the debate stage tonight, it’s clear that all of these MAGA candidates care more about Trump’s toxic agenda than hardworking Nevadans and even no-show Sam Brown can’t escape his extreme record.”

Here’s what to know before the GOP Senate candidates gather this evening:

  1. Sam Brown is likely to face heavy criticism from his opponents for yet again refusing to face Nevada voters.
  1. The MAGA GOP field has fully embraced Trump’s toxic agenda and are desperate for his support.
  • Trump is continuing to drive Republican in-fighting, as candidates work overtime to out-Trump each other in hopes of earning his endorsement and appealing to the MAGA base.
  • Last month, Sam Brown caved to pressure from his primary opponents and finally endorsed Donald Trump for president after spending months trying to downplay his support.
  • Since then, Brown has gone full-MAGA, emphasizing all of the times he volunteered for Trump in 2020, and flying up and down the state to participate in events surrounding Trump’s rigged caucus. 
  1. In pro-choice Nevada, the GOP candidates’ extreme anti-choice records will be on full display.
  • During last month’s debate, the GOP candidates doubled down on their extreme anti-choice views – proudly sharing their support for abortion restrictions even as they noted that it’s become a losing issue for their party.
  • Brown also has a decade-long record of supporting extreme anti-choice policies, including stating in a questionnaire that he believes abortion should be banned even in cases of rape or incest. 



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