NV Dems Statement on Donald Trump’s Endorsement of MAGA Extremist Sam Brown

Today, in response to Sam Brown finally securing Donald Trump’s endorsement after months of touting his MAGA credentials and putting himself further out of step with Nevadans, Nevada State Democratic Party Chair Daniele Monroe-Moreno released the following statement: 

“After doing everything he could to suck up to Donald Trump, Sam Brown finally got the Trump stamp of approval that he was so desperately seeking and has been publicly begging for over the last six months. This endorsement makes clear that Brown will always put partisan politics and his far-right MAGA agenda of banning abortion even in cases of rape or incest, phasing out Social Security and Medicare, and turning Nevada into a nuclear waste dump ahead of doing what’s right for Nevada.”

Over the last few months, Brown has made clear to voters that he cares more about pleasing Trump than serving Nevada – bragging about being a hardcore MAGA conservative, refusing to denounce the deadly January 6 insurrection, and even claiming the former president is the reason he’s running for office in the first place. 

Here’s what you need to know about Sam Brown’s toxic MAGA agenda: 

  • Brown has spent the past few months branding himself as a Trump acolyte and loyal follower of the former president.
  • Brown will be forced to answer for his extreme MAGA record that is entirely out of step with Nevadans.
  • Over the past decade, Sam Brown has made his position on abortion clear. He has repeatedly supported abortion bans with no exceptions for rape or incest, including a Texas law that had some of the toughest restrictions on abortion in the country. Just last year, he served as the local president of an extreme anti-abortion group that supports a national abortion ban. When he ran for office in Texas, he even said that his anti-abortion position is “non-negotiable” for him.
  • Brown was caught on tape saying he “admires” an extreme plan that would phase out Social Security and Medicare in five years, calling it a “roadmap for a better America.”
  • Brown thinks storing nuclear waste at Yucca Mountain is an “incredible opportunity” – putting him out of step with Nevada business, scientific and political leaders on both sides of the aisle who have all argued that restarting would put the health, safety, and economic security of Nevadans at risk.
  • Brown supports repealing the ACA — even though this would take health insurance away from over 360,000 Nevadans. If Brown has his way, insurance companies would be allowed, once again, to charge older Americans thousands of dollars more and deny coverage to patients with pre-existing conditions like asthma, diabetes, and cancer.
  • Brown has said he wants to see “painful cuts” to essential services, including eliminating the Department of Education and the Environmental Protection Agency. This would cause massive cuts to Nevada schools and end the enforcement of the Clean Air and Water Acts in Nevada.
  • Brown was a vocal supporter of the MAGA efforts to overturn the 2020 election. He even downplayed the January 6th attack on the U.S. Capitol, which led to the deaths of five police officers, saying that the rioters were showing a “patriotic expression” of their “love of country.”
  • Brown supports extending a massive tax cut for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations at the expense of Nevada’s middle-class families and small businesses. 
  • Brown has repeatedly opposed bipartisan legislation important to Nevada – showing that he cares more about pleasing Trump than working across party lines to deliver results.
  • Brown opposed the Bipartisan Border Bill earlier this year before the text of the bill was even released solely because of Trump’s opposition. When the text was actually made public, Brown doubled down and immediately opposed the widely supported bipartisan plan, putting him at odds with the Border Patrol Union.
  • Brown has said he would have voted against the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and that he would be a vote to repeal if elected. This historic legislation is delivering historic investments in Nevada’s airports, roads, bridges, and rural broadband while creating thousands of good-paying union jobs.
  • Brown has made clear he would have opposed the Bipartisan Safer Communities Law because of his extreme opposition to new gun safety measures. The first new gun safety law to pass Congress in decades has expanded background checks on gun sales, closed the boyfriend loophole, supported common-sense red flag laws, and invested in mental health.



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